Request early access and start spending less time categorizing data and more time making sense of it.
Request Early AccessClassifying unstructured data can be time consuming and what’s worse, it’s difficult to leverage your classification efforts again and again. With Classy, your unstructured data classification workflow will be faster and reusable.
Simply upload your dataset and start training Classy to understand by classifying a subset of data and adding labels for classification, correcting Classy when it gets things wrong, and reinforcing Classy when it gets it right.
As you train Classy, Classy will start automatically classifying your data by predicting which labels apply. All you have to do is tell Classy when it’s right or wrong. Don’t worry though, you’re always in control and can manually add or remove any label.
Each label you create for classifying your data displays its statistical assessment of correlation and precision, so you know if Classy is on the right track. And of course, if things aren’t going well, Classy will let you know.
Classifying data is a lot of work and many organizations collect data from their customers consistently, such as quarterly Net Promoter Score. For situations like these, simply upload the latest dataset and have Classy label your new dataset based on one you’ve already trained.
We’re currently looking for users to try our product and provide feedback to help us refine and build out Classy. If you’re interested, tell us a little about yourself.